A 100% Success Rate Of Bringing Results To Our Community

When I began serving as a representative, I came to the legislature to get things done and to bring results back to rural Utah. My track record speaks for itself. I don’t waste time or money with useless bills. Each of the bills I have sponsored have been voted into law. There is a reason for that. As a representative in the Utah House of Representatives, I have:

  • Created the Child Abuse Offender Registry: This law requires people convicted of felony child abuse and human trafficking to register. This information is then made public. Utah is only one of two states with this registry. As a representative, I have sought ways to protect our children and ensure our families are prepared and have the information needed to combat against harm.

  • Passed Wildfire Preparedness: One of my top priorities has and always will be to ensure the safety of our families. From this perspective, I believed we needed to be further prepared for wildfires. The bill I passed into law creates one or more grants to fire departments to assist in the suppression of wildfires. I am always looking for ways to protect Utahns as well as the wildlife and natural beauty we have in Utah.

  • Created the Access Utah Promise Scholarship Program: Attaining further education after high school can be a daunting task for our children. For this reason, I created this scholarship to be used at technical schools, colleges, or universities. Those that have worked hard and have proven they have what it takes to succeed should only have to worry about their studies. Further education is the best way for us to be prepared for the future. It allows us to attract higher quality jobs and to continue the economic prosperity we have seen in recent years.

  • Created Tax Increment Funding For Student Housing: This law allows a community reinvestment agency to use the agency’s housing allocation for certain higher education student housing. This directly affects our area. Snow College doesn’t have student housing. This law has given our community the option to provide student housing on Snow College’s campus. I am proud to say that student housing will be coming soon to the Snow College Richfield campus.

  • Created the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact: This compact facilitates the interstate practice of audiology and speech-language pathology while maintaining public protection. This directly addresses Utah’s shortage in the workforce and supports spouses of active military personnel practicing in the field. 

  • Helped Fund EMS For The Entire State: My law Emergency Medical Service Amendments gave funding for EMS over the entire state. Especially to the rural counties who are facing a crisis. Emergency services in rural Utah are not always as responsive as they need to be. These services provide life-saving care in record time. From the desire to ensure rural Utah is protected, I wanted to increase funding and protect our citizens. Therefore, this law ensures that there are regional EMS technicians who will live in rural Utah and provide support to local EMS professionals. 

  • Supplied More Funding for Necessarily Existent Small Schools and Rural Schools: Our smaller school and rural schools are often forgotten. With that in mind, I wanted to ensure they received proper funding to provide quality education and experience. This law, therefore, creates a process to reimburse rural schools for expenses related to extracurricular education activities that help our students access heritage, arts, and cultural events approved by the State Board of Education. There is no reason our students in rural Utah should not get all of the advantages and opportunities that those students in the urban areas get. 

  • Created A Citizen Feedback Program: This law encourages each department, division, office, or agency to gather feedback from members of the public to assess the quality of service. I believe our agencies can always better serve the people of Utah. To that end, I wanted to enact a law that would allow our citizens to provide feedback and help identify areas for improvement.

  • Extended the Intergenerational Poverty Plan Implementation Pilot Program: One of the significant challenges rural Utahns face is intergenerational poverty. I wanted to help those that suffer from this longstanding poverty by empowering local leaders, stakeholders, and commissioners to look for ways to empower the residents of rural Utah to lift themselves out of poverty. Therefore, this program allows county commissioners and other stakeholders to help in efforts to break cycles of intergeneration poverty.