Fighting for Conservative Values. Fighting for Rural Utah.
From my experience as a member of the Utah House of Representatives, I know the challenges our state and community face. Understanding the frustrations that many of us in rural Utah face, I decided that it’s time to put my experience to use in the Utah State Senate. I have the experience needed to represent our community with a strong voice and ensure that our conservative values are at the forefront of policymaking.
Get To Know Derrin
Rural Utah Values
My ancestors were pioneers and helped settle Juab and Millard counties. Rural Utah is in my blood. Continuing my families tradition of hard work, my father and I started running a ranch that I continue to work today. I know what it means to work until the job is done.
Supporting Family
I am a family man. My wife, Heather, and I are the parents of four sons and one daughter. Two of my children serve in the US military. I am proud of my family and their dedication to service.
Since 2015, I’ve served Utah House District 58, covering east Juab County and all of Sanpete county. My job as your representative is to be your voice at the legislature. I work for you. I am ready to work for you in the Utah State Senate and represent our values.
Let’s Work Together
With your support and help, we can ensure our community is represented by a strong conservative voice in the Utah State Senate.
Please reach out to me if you have questions, concerns, or want to volunteer for the campaign. Let’s fight for Utah!